We all see lots of "getting ready" with me's from our fave influencers, but the nightly skincare routine also plays a big part in your over all beauty ritual.

I personally love a good night routine. It's so relaxing and really lets me focus on me as I unwind from the day. I have been testing a few newer products currently that I share all about in the video below. Everything from taking off my makeup, showering, and pampering after is all there!
Products I've been loving:
SkinCeuticals Anti Aging Cream
To be honest the first thing I love doing to kick of the night routine is pouring myself a glass of wine. It really helps in setting the mood to chill and take care of you!
After this, I start with the makeup... that cake face has got to go! For me I find it best to do this as soon as I get home. No kicking your feet up on the couch or eating dinner first, because if you're like me... we end up falling asleep dirty makeup face and all. So get that bevy and get your butt to the bathroom to wipe your face clean. Using a makeup wipe really isn't enough to clear that beautiful face though. After this first step, I'll wash my face usually with a gentle exfoliating cleanser. Some nights I'll really go at it with a more intense scrub, but that's usually only once maybe twice a week if I'm really flaking. You need to be careful because you don't want to irritate your skin, but at the same time you need to shed off those dead skin cells.
It's time to hop in the shower now, the best part of the routine just letting the warm water hit you. For me this part is pretty basic: shampoo, condition, wash the bod... I share the products in the video above in interested in some of my haircare.
And after this it's time to dry off and moisturize! Especially in these colder months make sure you lotion always. No one like those dry elbows and knees or crackly hands, plus you'll feel better I promise.
Now I know there's not a lot of time some nights, but really let yourself have this time for you. You deserve it and it truly sets the tone for the evening to be peaceful and more enjoyable.
What's some you lovelies do for some relaxation in the evening hours? Let me know and until next week - Stay Lovely, Lovelies