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Only 2 Weeks Til Christmas!

Writer's picture: Laura Ann IbergLaura Ann Iberg

Hi friends,

Can you believe it's less than 2 WEEKS til CHRISTMAS! It's crazy how we prep for this holiday for soooo long and it's gone in a flash or Rudolf's nose. Like for real though...

There's still so many things I want to get done, & feel like I barely have any time to do them. We finally got our tree up like last week, which it's a little later than I wanted but she's up & she's beautiful! I was so thankful Larry let me decorate it how I wanted to. So of course I chose Blush & Rose Gold themed! Ahh I just love it so much. I got lots of crafts from Michael's this year to add to the tree. Last year I flocked it, & don't get me wrong it was snowy & gorgeous, but a MESS. I couldn't be bothered with that this year, so I got some fun floral arrangements & snow berry twigs to add a different feel to the tree this year!

I also, wanted to make a poinsettia arrangement for the center of our table... that's still in progress lol. I got it all there, just need to find the time to put together. Along, with trying to get my VLOGMAS videos posted to YouTube EVERY DAY... woof that's a challenge in itself. Seriously, like I really have been enjoying doing it, but to get the content created & then edited, & uploaded is a lot of work. Other than that you know it's the typical holiday shopping & getting the gifts wrapped. Still have a few I need to get to work on, but I know it'll fall into place. It always does! The pix of Lar & I below are from the other evening for our annual holiday party: Deck the Halls. It's always such a fun night and such a great charity event with toys for tots being involved.

I hope y'all are getting your last minute holiday things all put together... Santa is coming to town & SOON!

Only 2 Weeks Til Christmas!
Only 2 Weeks Til Christmas!

Only 2 Weeks Til Christmas!

Only 2 Weeks Til Christmas!

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